Study Russian yourself at home!

Reading Russian books is the best way to expand your vocabulary. Books are available for reading online or for listening as audio books anywhere and anytime. Be online and read books in Russian.


This online library offers many books of various genres in Russian. You can read both classic and modern books online for free and without registration.


Read Russian books online for free without registration. Here you will find book novelties, bestsellers: romance novels, detective stories, fantasy, adventure, classic, domestic books and other genres. Also on the LibKing e-library you will find reviews, discussions and opinions of people about popular books.


Easy access to the entire collection of books - without registration and payment; online reading; convenient search for books by genre; constant replenishment of virtual bookshelves with new products and relevant literature.


The ALDEBARAN library is one of the largest electronic libraries. E-books and audio books of various genres are available for download at affordable prices. In the CLASSIC section you will find free classic literature for online reading and listening.

Have you read the book and still have open questions? No problem! Our online Russian teachers are always ready to help.

Write us and ask for a free trial lesson online.